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Sleep isn't a New Thing. But it's evolving

Discover how sleep treatments have evolved throughout history.

Knowing history helps us live better in the present. At anatomē, this understanding has changed the way we approach sleep. From ancient civilisations to modern society, learnings on the importance of sleep for overall health and well-being have helped us create our formulations and practices. 

Today, we shine a light on a few of the most important landmarks in sleep evolution. Our most significant breakthroughs are recent, although some remedies based on ancient wisdom still apply.

  • Ancient civilisations (circa 3000 BCE): Early civilisations concoct herbal remedies like chamomile and valerian to aid sleep, setting the stage for future practices.
  • Hippocrates (460-370 BCE): Hippocrates prescribes natural remedies such as herbal teas and lavender oil to promote restful sleep, laying the foundations for holistic sleep treatments.
  • Middle Ages (500-1500 CE): Herbalism flourishes, with remedies like hops and passionflower integrated into sleep-promoting tonics and infusions, reflecting a continued reliance on natural remedies.
  • Renaissance (14th-17th century): A renewed interest in botanicals sees the exploration of herbs like lemon balm and skullcap for their sedative properties, contributing to evolving sleep practices.
  • 19th century: The development of pharmaceuticals like phenobarbital dominates sleep treatments, though herbal remedies like California poppy and hops remain in use among those seeking natural alternatives.
  • 20th century: Synthetic sleep aids like phenobarbital gain popularity. However, interest in herbal remedies like valerian and chamomile resurges due to concerns over drug side effects, highlighting a continued appreciation for natural solutions.
  • 1950s-60s: Scientific studies validate the efficacy of herbal remedies in treating sleep disorders, sparking renewed interest in natural alternatives within medical circles.
  • 21st century: Integrating ancient remedies with modern science leads to the development of herbal formulations, offering safe and effective options for improving sleep quality in an increasingly health-conscious society. anatomē applies science and tradition to create natural formulations and practices to support better, restful sleep. 


The Modern Apothecary, anatomy's first book, shines a light on sleep, wellbeing pillars, and ingredients and helps us understand the inherent human need to feel better. 


Written by:
Emeric Fakambi

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