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Cherry Thyme Milk for sleep

We found this great recipe by Gina Fontana from her cookbook Moon Milk that we wanted to share with you since it's a great way to help you fall asleep and relax before bed.

Cherry Thyme Milk 


500ml unsweetened oat/almond milk

¼ cup tart cherry juice

5 large sprigs of fresh thyme

1 tsp pure almond extract

1 tbsp agave syrup

Pinch of cinnamon

Pinch of pepper

Bring your milk to a simmer over medium heat, then whisk in the other ingredients and let cool slightly before drinking.

“Tart cherry juice is nature’s gift 
to us as one of the highest natural sources of melatonin, a known component in achieving quality sleep. Thyme has the ability to help treat acne with its antibacterial properties, and is also effective in lowering blood pressure, which can help you relax and sleep better.”

Thanks to Gina Fontana for sharing!

    Written by:
    Stevie Deale

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